North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sheep class virtual school trip to the farm

Sheep class were very excited about our virtual trip this week, and it did not disappoint! We visited Yew Tree Farm in Kent, a farm set up and run by qualified teachers, and went on a tour to meet all their lovely animals. We learnt all about how to feed and care for the animals, where they live, where they come from, their personalities and heard lots of interesting facts about them! The children particularly loved meeting Snow and Maisie the Shetland ponies, Rambo the ram, Timmy and Tommy the newborn chicks, Rhubarb the guinea pig, and all the cheeky Pygmy goats. The children asked lots of great questions on the Zoom call, and there was lots of lively discussion about what animal we’d like to have at home! The trip also came at a great time, as it recapped the learning that children have done about animals and plants in science. For example, we talked about the differences between mammals such as the goats and rabbits, and the birds such as the cockerels and ducks! “The cockerel has feathers, but the goats have a fur coat!” said one child. “The hens lay eggs, but the sheep have lambs,” said another.

Thank you, Yew Tree Farm, what a great treat for the end of term!