North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Christian Aid “Big Breakfast”

Christian Aid Big Breakfast Event

Friday 18th May

This year Christian Aid are encouraging people to get together for a ‘Big Breakfast’ to raise awareness of the work that they do to reduce poverty. The children will take part in some fun activities to think about how we can support people leading much more difficult lives than ours.

We would like to invite you to come to school for the chance to get together to share a simple and healthy breakfast with your child(ren).

This will be a great way for the children to enjoy something different after a busy few weeks in the classroom!

There will be two sittings available so siblings can be together.

All we ask is that you make a small donation to help us raise money!

Please note, due to space, families are limited to 2 adults. Sitting places will be allocated based on a first-come, first-served basis.

Ensure the slip is returned to the office by Friday 4th May.

Thank you,

Miss Hardingham


Christian Aid Big Breakfast