North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Acorn Class

Welcome to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2!

Acorn's teaching team is Miss Scarlett, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Boggis and Mrs Wright.

Acorn class aims to provide a nurturing environment that places the child at the centre of their own learning. Acorn class has an excellent learning space with quality resources for learning and independent exploring. We are fortunate to have access to an amazing outdoor area that the children have access to rain or shine. Children can get busy building in our construction area, den building, gardening, cooking in the mud-kitchen, bug hunting and much more. The use of these areas enhances the children’s learning development. The children never run out of things to do!

“From little Acorns mighty Oak trees grow”

Designing and making a vehicle

30 March 2019

We have been learning all about vehicles and how they move. We met an engineer, who answered lots of our questions and inspired us to learn even more! As we created our vehicle designs, we learnt new vocabulary such as chassis and axle. We also discussed the safety rules when using equipment. We are very … Read more

Our local environment

18 March 2019

We have been learning all about our local environment and what better way to do this than to go for a walk in our village! We went to the local shop and bought a milkshake and then enjoyed the sunshine at The Ruins.

Grow your own potatoes

18 March 2019

A brilliant start to our week, we received our Grow Your Own Potatoes in the post so we excitedly started to prepare them! We can’t wait to see what happens!

Science Day

18 March 2019

To celebrate British Science Week, Sheep class had a busy day experimenting! We predicted, asked lots of questions and then observed what happened! Firstly, we observed what happened when we added drops of water to skittles. We were amazed when we saw a colourful rainbow! We then tried to make gummy bears dance and were … Read more

World Book Day

12 March 2019

Sheep Class loved dressing up to celebrate World Book Day. We performed poems, created blow-paint aliens and even wrote our own space poetry!

Yummy Pancakes!

12 March 2019

We wrote a list of ingredients so we knew what to buy at the shops and wrote a letter to Mr Isherwood to see if he would like any pancakes. We enjoyed mixing the ingredients and even did the washing up! The pancakes were delicious!