North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Acorn Class

Welcome to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2!

Acorn's teaching team is Miss Scarlett, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Boggis and Mrs Wright.

Acorn class aims to provide a nurturing environment that places the child at the centre of their own learning. Acorn class has an excellent learning space with quality resources for learning and independent exploring. We are fortunate to have access to an amazing outdoor area that the children have access to rain or shine. Children can get busy building in our construction area, den building, gardening, cooking in the mud-kitchen, bug hunting and much more. The use of these areas enhances the children’s learning development. The children never run out of things to do!

“From little Acorns mighty Oak trees grow”

Sheep Class Spring 1 Curriculum Letter

13 January 2022

Christmas Jumper Day

11 December 2021

North Elmham children wore their Christmas jumpers to school today to raise money for the charity ‘Save the Children’. We are looking forward to some more Christmas celebrations next week including Christmas Lunch, Virtual Panto and our Christmas Church service. 

Uncovering the Gunpowder Plot – History in sheep class this week

4 November 2021

To begin our new unit of history this term, Sheep class played detectives and used evidence from the past to discover what happened on November the 5th, 1605. They looked at lots of paintings, drawings and artifacts to discover that a man named Guy Fawkes and his gang went about trying to blow up the … Read more

Sheep Autumn 2 Curriculum Map and Letter

4 November 2021

Dippy Trip

12 October 2021

Sheep class had a wonderful trip to see Dippy today. We were very excited to be going on our first proper school trip, and the children were a credit to their school in their behaviour throughout! We loved the bus ride through the city to Norwich Cathedral, enjoyed a lovely snack time on the cathedral … Read more

Marvellous Maths

4 October 2021

Year 1 and 2 in Sheep class have been recapping place value and learning all about part-whole models and place value charts. We have looked at using tens and ones, and some of us even managed hundreds as well! We love using our maths resources to help us learn.