North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Acorn Class

Welcome to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2!

Acorn's teaching team is Miss Scarlett, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Boggis and Mrs Wright.

Acorn class aims to provide a nurturing environment that places the child at the centre of their own learning. Acorn class has an excellent learning space with quality resources for learning and independent exploring. We are fortunate to have access to an amazing outdoor area that the children have access to rain or shine. Children can get busy building in our construction area, den building, gardening, cooking in the mud-kitchen, bug hunting and much more. The use of these areas enhances the children’s learning development. The children never run out of things to do!

“From little Acorns mighty Oak trees grow”

If you have 53 sheep and 36 of them escaped..?

10 February 2022

Cricket in Sheep Class

10 February 2022

How did the universe come to be? RE & philosophy in Sheep class

9 February 2022

Our Green and Blue World

25 January 2022

In geography, Sheep class has been recapping their knowledge of continents and oceans (a class favourite!) We love to sing our catchy learning songs, and children are frequently found to be singing them to themselves during their play! We have been looking more closely at the physical and human features of the continents and locating … Read more

History of Aviation

25 January 2022

Sheep class have been investigating how aviation has developed through history – from the Greek myth of Icarus to the modern day airbuses we use to travel around the world for holidays (in Covid-free times anyway!) Children were challenged to create a timeline of flying machines using their history detective skills. We had a lively … Read more

Big Cat Predators Across the Curriculum

25 January 2022

In science, Sheep class have been delving further into food chains and animal diets, and we have recently learnt about what an ‘apex predator’ is! Children have loved finding out how an apex predator is like the king of its habitat, and we have watched many clips of animals such as tigers, jaguars and crocodiles … Read more