North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Acorn Class

Welcome to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2!

Acorn's teaching team is Miss Scarlett, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Boggis and Mrs Wright.

Acorn class aims to provide a nurturing environment that places the child at the centre of their own learning. Acorn class has an excellent learning space with quality resources for learning and independent exploring. We are fortunate to have access to an amazing outdoor area that the children have access to rain or shine. Children can get busy building in our construction area, den building, gardening, cooking in the mud-kitchen, bug hunting and much more. The use of these areas enhances the children’s learning development. The children never run out of things to do!

“From little Acorns mighty Oak trees grow”

Election excitement in Sheep Class

5 July 2024

As we all know, today was a very important day – Election Day! In Sheep class we had two very important issues to vote on, which story to read, and what do as an end of year treat!  For the first vote, Mrs Cairns started by asking only the boys to stand up to vote.  … Read more

Sheep Class Calm Shed

4 May 2024

Sheep class were so excited that their recent letter writing worked and that they had received items to make their shed a lovely place to work in.  The children have been bringing in items from home and have been using the area as a calm space.  This week the children worked quietly to complete their computing … Read more

DT in Sheep Class

4 May 2024

Over a few weeks Sheep Class have been learning how to use simple running stitch.  The children started by developing their skills, including ‘sewing’ through card.  Today we were able to put these skills into practice using needles, threads and binca to create bracelets in the style of Maasai tribal jewellery.  The children were very … Read more

Sheep RE Day

25 March 2024

Today we learnt even more about Easter! Our focus was ‘Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?’ We learnt about Holy Week, the importance of Palm Sunday and Good Friday. Sheep retold parts of the Easter story, we then made our own Easter gardens. Finally, we learnt about why we share Easter … Read more

Gymnasts in the making!

21 March 2024

Sheep class have loved their Gymnastics sessions this half term. Firstly, we started with floor work; focusing on making shapes with our bodies. We then applied this shape work to low apparatus and then the large apparatus. The children have been perfecting their balancing, jumping and climbing skills over the last few weeks and have … Read more

A wonderful Welly Day in Sheep Class

9 March 2024

Sheep Class had a beautiful morning today as the sun shone on our Welly Day and we were finally able to access the site without being bogged down by mud!   All of the adults were so impressed by how well the children worked together.   Across the site they could be seen writing, playing together, solving … Read more