North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sheep Class, Geography and History enrichment morning

Sheep Class had a beautiful adventure on Friday!  Earlier in the week the children received a letter from one of Father Christmas’s elves, Fir Ivyjump.  The children wrote cards back to him with questions for him to answer.  With our invited adults, Sheep class walked down to the village post office where there was a special post box for them to use.  

The Sheep then used a simple map to help them walk back past the school to the ruins.   They were excellent at spotting the different locations on the map.  It was a slippy slidey journey but the children were very caring and took great care of each other and the adults.

When the group returned back to school the adults answered a collection of questions about their childhoods.  

Can you spot Sheep Class with the sheep in one of our photographs?!