North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Parents Evening 19/03/2018

Parents Evening is booked for 19/03/2018 from 14:00 to 19:00. Image result for writing picture

Sign up sheets are on the ‘Parents Board’ in the front entrance area for Whales, Doves and Lions class. Sheep class have their sheet in the classroom.

Please sign up for your 10 minute slot!

School Open!

Just confirming that school is open today. Please make sure children have suitable clothing: wellies (with indoor shoes), thick coats, hats and gloves because they will be going outside and making the most of the snow! ☃️

Big schools’ Birdwatch

Sheep and Whales class had a very productive afternoon preparing to take part in the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We made bird feeders to hang in our school grounds, learnt how to draw birds, labelled the parts of our feathered friends and Year 2s created fact sheets about the most common garden birds. Great afternoon had by all. 🦉

Sports for Champions


Image resultWe have Laura Samuels an International triple jumper,  supported by Sports for Champions coming into school on 19th January at 13:00.

A sponsorship form was sent home with the children, which will need to be in on the Friday ready for the sponsored events that afternoon.

As the letter said, 60% of the money raised by the sponsorship will go towards the school and the remaining 40% will go towards supporting the International Athletes like Laura to fulfill their dreams of representing Great Britain in their sport.

Choir club

Well done to the children in choir club! Two excellent performances in front of lots of people: one at the village hall and one at an old-people’s home. You have made their Christmas!