North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Cadbury’s World trip and other school events this week

We will keep you informed about the Cadbury’s World trip this week. We understand that the weather is forecast for more snow but we remain optimistic that the trip will go ahead but also be prepared for it to be rescheduled. We will let you know by Thursday at the latest.

I will also let Year 6 parents know whether the SATs meeting will go ahead tomorrow. Keep checking the website / ClassDojo for updates.

NSPCC Sponsorship Form

There will be a NSPCC Sponsorship form sent home with your child/ren today. Please see the attached letter explaining this.


After School Club

Crafty Afty School Club will be starting after half term. Run by Drive U Pottery the course will last for 5 weeks on Tuesdays from 3.30-4.30pm. The cost per child is £20, the children will make 3 quality pieces by the end of the course. Please let the school office know by Friday 9th February should you wish your child/ren to take part. Thank you.

Please note there is no class on the 27th February ( 1 week gap )

after school form North Elmham – Easter 2018 ub

Parent Support Drop-in Sessions

I am pleased to announce that we have arranged for the Dereham Cluster Parent Support Adviser (PAS), Alison Thompson to carry out drop-in sessions for parents.

These sessions are designed to give parents the opportunity to talk to Alison about any concerns or advice you may need. Please see the flyer for further information.

If you would like to book a slot to talk to Alison, please book in at the Office.
