North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


PE in Whales Class

This half term, we have been busy developing the Fundamental skills of Dynamic Balance and Coordination. Our focus has been on moving fluidly, with balance, using a heel to toe landing.

French – Ancient Britain

In French, we have been learning to read, write and say the key periods in Ancient Britain. We then created our own timelines from L’âge de la Pierre (The Stone Age) to La Période des Vikings (The Viking period).

Learning in Whales Class

What a busy week in Whales class! We have been learning about coordinates in Maths. We found out lots about the Earth’s layers in English to help with our sentence stacking lessons. In our Foundation subjects, we learnt about the types of mountains and how they are formed in Geography. In Music, we appraised and sang ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley. In Science, we used secondary sources to find out about characteristics of rocks and DT we started to explore existing products which use a pneumatic system to work. We also had another excellent swimming session at Dereham Leisure Centre. 

Making careful observations

In Science, we listened to the story ‘A rock is lively’ and then made careful scientific observations of a range of rocks. We used a magnifying glass to make our observations and made comments on colour, texture and appearance. 

Christmas Jumper Day

North Elmham children wore their Christmas jumpers to school today to raise money for the charity ‘Save the Children’. We are looking forward to some more Christmas celebrations next week including Christmas Lunch, Virtual Panto and our Christmas Church service. 

Whales Welly Day

Whales had a fantastic Welly Day session; we thoroughly enjoyed testing out the shaduf we made in an earlier session, we also got creative with clay! The children have grown in confidence to assess risks and keep themselves safe. 

Real PE in Whales Class

Another fantastic PE session! This week we worked on 2-feet to 2-feet jumping and landing with balance and control. We then applied this to a river crossing game. We worked in small teams, ensuring we listened to each other and showed perseverance as the level of challenge increased!

History in Whales Class

This week we have been learning how to write like an Ancient Egyptian! As well as learning about hieroglyphics and the many symbols and pictures they used, we also learnt about the Rosetta stone and being a scribe! We read and wrote our own secret messages. We then made our very own Cartouches out of clay! 

Science in Whales class this week – Digestion

In Science, we asked ‘What happens to the food we eat?’ We started to find out about the process of digestion. We learnt about functions of the parts of the digestive system, created a model to demonstrate the journey of food through the body and then used our new knowledge to label a diagram and describe what happens during each part of the process.