North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Whales English Experience Day

We had some unexpected wolves visit Whales class today, but we were very surprised that they ended up having a wolf party! They ate chocolate marshmallows, danced to some spooky tunes and inspired some wonderful alliterative phrases! We are looking forward to writing our final plot points before we start our own independent writes!

World Book Day – Whales Class

What a fantastic day we had yesterday in Whales class to celebrate World Book Day. The children put in so much effort into their costumes and they looked amazing!  Thank you to all the parents for helping the children choose/make their costumes, they loved sharing their character, book and props with other children!

World Book Day 2022

All the classes really enjoyed some shared reading sessions today for World Book Day! Sheep class enjoyed reading some of their favourite stories to the older children, and Whales and Lions did a really good job of reading their books and supporting the younger ones! We all had fun.

Whales Welly Day Sketchers

Whales class have been working hard on their sketching skills and were able to put these to the test during their Welly Day this week.

Children’s Mental Health week 2022

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is Growing Together.

Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential. 

Each class talked about how they have grown and how they can help others to grow.  We also shared the different ways we look after our wellbeing. We each made a support balloon identifying trusted adults and also others who are a support to us. 

Many children talked about spending time with their families, friends, pets and the importance of this. 

Book Talk and Class Reader

This half term, Whales have been hooked by the two books they have been reading as part of our daily book talk and class reader sessions. 

During Book Talk, we read ‘Escape from Pompeii‘. Whilst revealing only one page at a time, we read with our partners and as a whole class each day, shared new vocabulary and used our Reading Lenses to discuss the text in more detail. We admired the beautiful illustrations as we read the text too. 

Our chapter book ‘Survivor, Escape from Pompeii’ written by Jim Eldridge, had us transfixed on every chapter! A rollercoaster of emotions and a book we did not want to put down! We wrote our own book reviews to share our thoughts and feelings about what we have been reading.  

Well done, Whales. What a wonderful half term we have had! 

RE in Whales class

This half term, our focus has been on the Human and Social Science lens within RE. We considered the question ‘What difference does being a Muslim make to daily life?’ We discussed the significance of the Qur’an to Muslims, learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam and then we focused on the importance of prayer and how objects guide Islamic prayers. Whales have made many thoughtful contributions to our class floorbook to show their learning. 

DT – Pneumatic systems

So far this half term, we have investigated what ‘Pneumatic’ means by exploring different systems and how they work. We then explored various ways to make a Pneumatic system – with varying success! We will continue to design, make and evaluate our own after half term! 

History – Pompeii

This half term, Whales have fully immersed themselves into learning about the destruction of Pompeii. In our history lessons, we looked at key dates and events and placed these in chronological order, we studied eyewitness accounts from Pliny and Pliny the younger, as well as learning about the archaeology of Pompeii.