North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


RE – Whales Class

To start our new unit of learning, we asked the question ‘What if the population of the earth was reduced to just 100 people?’ 

We watched and discussed ‘If the world were a village of 100 people.’ We then thought of our own ‘I wonder…’ questions, which provoked some very thoughtful conversations. Examples were ‘I wonder how many would have food and water?’ ‘I wonder how many would have clean water?’ ‘I wonder how many languages they would know?’ ‘I wonder how many would be homeless?’ ‘I wonder how many would have access to an education?’ We then designed our very own miniature earth and added these to our class floor book.

PE – Whales Class

We started our new PE unit today, with a focus on the fundamental movement skills – Agility (Reaction/Response) and Static balance (floor work). We started with a continuous relay in our teams and then moved on to adopting a ready position to drop and catch a ball after one bounce.

Ukuleles – Norfolk Music Hub – Whales class

Today, we welcomed Carl from the Norfolk Music Hub to continue our ukulele sessions. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our knowledge we already have of the ukulele. We are looking forward to learning even more each week!

Marble Runs suitable for giants!

Mrs Cairns was so impressed by Whales Class today. This term the class is going to be creating marble runs.  Today was an exploration day.  The children worked so well in teams using drain pipes, tubing, loose parts and the environment to create enormous marble runs.  They quickly understood the importance of gravity, speed, friction and the properties of the balls being used.  Children demonstrated excellent problem solving skills, for example changing the angle of pipes, or removing bumps, to ensure that their runs were successful.  Groups even joined forces creating an ingenious run.  We even had a run which started inside a den and ended up outside.  Over the next few weeks we shall be using what we have learnt to complete several marble run based challenges, including how to slow the marble down without it stopping – so watch this space!

World Earth Day – Whales Class

Today, we learnt about the importance of World Earth Day. We discussed ways we can look after our planet and how we can encourage others to protect our earth. We learnt about ways to reduce our carbon footprint and how we can encourage others to do the same!

Whales DT – Pneumatic Systems

In DT, Whales class have worked very hard to design and make a pneumatic system. After much hard work and perseverance, we were able to test our systems with excellent results! We then evaluated our system. Well done, Whales! 

DT in Whales Class

A busy session planning our pneumatic systems and finalising our designs. We cannot wait to start to see them take shape over the next couple of weeks!

DT in Whales Class

A busy session planning our pneumatic systems and finalising our designs. We cannot wait to start to see them take shape over the next couple of weeks!

Music in Whales Class

This half term, we have been busy appraising and learning to sing ‘The Dragon Song’. This week, we began to play the glockenspiel alongside it.