North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Fossil Hunting Experts!

Sheep and Whales had a fantastic trip to Cromer Museum and Cromer Beach. We learnt so much about fossils found in Cromer, handled various fossils and then went on our very own fossil hunt on the beach. The children were absolutely amazing and we had a wonderful day!


Marvellous PE

We have been busy developing our running skills over the past few weeks; improving our techniques for running over obstacles and running for distance. In our other PE session, we have been developing our agility and static balance skills!

Computing in Whales class

We are well underway with our new Computing learning this half term. We have been making our own E-Books based around the theme of ‘Going for Gold’. We have taken and inserted our own photographs as well as writing about a sport or sportsperson who inspires us. We are going to keep adding to our E-Books each week, so watch this space for our final products!

Exploring Rivers

As part of our new English unit, we rehearsed the poem ‘The River’, found the shapes and performed it to our class. We learnt even more about rivers and new vocabulary such as ‘meander’ ‘tributaries’ ‘vexed’.

Ukulele – Learning Chords

Whales have been working hard on perfecting their C chord and A-minor chord over the past few weeks. They are amazing as they play – it is great to capture the concentration on their faces!

English Experience Day – Delicious hot chocolate!

As part of our Experience Day, we gathered lots of chocolatey vocabulary, including using a thesaurus to find synonyms for our sentence stacking lesson. 

What better way to be inspired than to make and taste test our very own hot chocolates, of course we needed lots of cream and marshmallows too!

William the Conqueror

Through drama, using sources as evidence and detective work, we were able to work out how William the Conqueror became the first Norman King of England. We then learnt about his reign and discussed the statement ‘William the Conqueror was a successful king.’ 

Melting Point of Chocolate

We have been learning about States of Matter in Science so far this half term, with a focus on observational and fair testing. This week, we learnt about changes of state and decided to investigate the melting point of chocolate and developed our skills of taking accurate measurements.

An engineering challenge for Welly Day

Whales class have been using their engineering minds recently within Welly Day as they have been learning how to create enormous marble runs.  The class watched videos, including Rube Goldberg machines, for inspiration.  Today they were focusing on how to speed up balls and how to slow them down.  They know that friction is an important factor and some chose to add grass to their runs.  Investigations with different balls enabled them to realise that the weight of the ball was also crucial.