North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sound Science in Whales

We kick-started our learning about sound this week with some mini investigations into how sound is produced. We enjoyed bouncing rice on the drums, watching cymbals cause ripples in glittery water and observing how percussion instruments will stop sounding when we touch them with our hands. It was certainly not a quiet lesson!!

RE in Whales Class

This week, we began a new unit in RE where we will be learning about how people express their faith and beliefs in different ways. We began by learning about how we demonstrate commitment in our own lives, and children brought to school some items that represent this. We had some lovely certificates, swimming badges, medals and trophies and the children were able to speak clearly about their commitment and achievements!

Flower Dissection in Whales Class

Whales class continued their learning about plants by dissecting flowers today. We started by taking off the sepals which protect the petals, then we looked at the anthers, the stigma, the ovary and the ovules. The children loved using the magnifying glasses to look at the ovules! We then discovered how all the parts of the flower are important in the processes of pollination and fertilisation. Great work, Whales!

Maths in Whales

Children have recently been recapping and extending their understanding of place value, which we have rounded off with some lessons on Roman numerals! The class had fun making Roman numerals using lollypop sticks and practising a catchy song to help us remember them. If you would like to experience the song for yourself, follow this link!

Stories in the Loft

Whales class really enjoyed making their first visit to our new mezzanine area, which children have decided is called ‘The Loft’. We enjoyed reading our books in this quiet space and enjoying the view! We feel very lucky to have this new place to go and relax in our school.

Seed Science in Whales

Whales class continued their learning about plants today by setting up an investigation into how fertiliser helps plants to grow. Children decided themselves what they would investigate – some are focusing on the height of the plant, some on the speed of growth and some on the healthy look of the plant. We then potted up our radish seeds – one ‘control’ plant and one with added fertiliser. We can’t wait to see the results and discover whether adding extra nutrients makes a difference to the growth of our radishes!!

Art in Lions and Whales class

Children had an introduction to the art of typography in art this week. We learnt that typography is the art of creating and arranging letters in a visually pleasing manner. We investigated different forms of typography and used this to inspire our first foray into creating our own typography using paper shapes. We were very impressed with the children’s creativity!

Whales Class Assembly 

Whales led their own Assembly to showcase their fantastic learning this term. They planned the whole Assembly; writing their own scripts, organising all of the props, setting up the hall and producing the slides to accompany the Assembly. It was wonderful to have our parents in the audience too!

Well done Whales! I am so proud of you all!