North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Science in Whales Class

Whales are learning this term about living things and their habitats. They have been learning what constitutes a habitat and have been investigating micro habitats around our school, recording the living things they found. We had great fun poking around under the logs and in the pond in the outdoor learning area and discovered all sorts of plant and insect life.

Drumming in Whales

We are lucky to have Mr Newland from the Norfolk Music Hub teaching whales class drumming this term. We learnt about all the drums he brought with him in his kit and have been practising samba rhythms. The children all absolutely love these sessions!

Charity Bingo!

The school came together recently to put on a charity afternoon. With lots of our families in attendance, children really enjoyed a competitive game of bingo! We had spent the morning preparing food for our guests – Sheep class made some delicious biscuits, Whales made a selection of sandwiches and Lions class made some yummy cupcakes. Lions class then took on the waiter/waitress roles to serve the other children and adults. Thank you to everyone that came, we raised a fantastic amount which has been donated to Comic Relief!

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the NSPCC and Childline.

Whales Class Trip

Whales had an absolutely fantastic time on their trip to Gressenhall for a Neolithic day on Wednesday. We have been learning this term about the Stone Age and the children were able to talk with confidence about what they know and were delighted to learn even more on their trip! Children had the opportunity to test out some flint axes, have a go at throwing spears, making Neolithic shelters using wood and animal skins, and learning more about how people farmed during the latter stage of the Stone Age. Thank you to all the wonderful education officers at Gressenhall, and the staff and parent helpers that supported our class. The Stone Age rocks!!

World Book Day

This week we swapped our uniforms for costumes as we celebrated World Book Day! Children loved sharing their favourite stories with each other and finding out who shares a passion for their favourite book. We invited the children to take part in a biscuit baking competition and we had some fantastic entries (winner to be announced in Celebration assembly next week)! In the afternoon we joined David Walliams for a ‘Storytelling Spectacular!’, and were among the first people in the world to hear an exclusive extract of his new book, ‘Robodog’. Thank you to staff, children and parents for making such a great effort this year, to inspire a love of reading that we hope will last a lifetime.

KS2 Sportshall Competition

Lions and Whales class had a fabulous time at the WNDSSP Sports Hall Competition at the UEA Sportspark! We were so impressed by the children’s enthusiasm, effort and perseverance. Great effort, North Elmham!

Whales Visit T@2

Whales were lucky enough to be invited to the T@2 this week in North Elmham Village Hall with some lovely members of our supportive local community. The children took along some of their work, including stories and drawings, which they proudly showed and read to them. They also managed to eat their fair share of sausage rolls, sandwiches and cakes! We all thoroughly enjoyed spending the afternoon there and look forward to going back again soon..a big thank you T@2 for having us, and thank you to our kind FONES members for helping us get there and back!

Coordinates in Maths

Whales are currently learning about coordinates in maths. We started by using a large grid on the classroom floor (the icy playground thwarted our plan to make a massive chalk grid outside!), and we’ve been really impressed by how quickly the class has got to grips with it. We have been drawing shapes and plotting coordinates, and next week we’ll be translating coordinates.