North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


We Will Remember

North Elmham held a Remembrance Service in our school hall. Sheep class showed their poppy art, some children from Whales and Lions class read their own poems, songs were beautifully sung and Lions class performed the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. Reverend Sally read out the names of those who died from North Elmham in the two World Wars and children prayed some prayers. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came to support and well done to our children!

Whales and Lions Cross Country

Both classes took part in a cross country event at Langley School today, and despite the hideous wether they all put in a fantastic effort and were very supportive of each other. Well done to all who took part!



We looked at the results of the experiment we set up last week to see what affects teeth.  

We used eggs and a variety of drinks to look at how they would affect teeth.  We learnt a lot and now can see that water has no effect on teeth and that some drinks like tea can stain teeth and other drinks could cause cavities.  We saw how toothpaste can reduce the effects of the drinks.

Whales Class


In our RE we have been looking at the big question – How do religious groups contribute to society.

Today we looked at what Edith Cavell believed and what she said and did because of her beliefs.  

Her grave is at Norwich Cathedral – have a look when you next visit there.   There is a remembrance service being held there this weekend as it’s the anniversary.

In PE we have been completing the personal unit in Real PE.  The focus has been on everyone knowing where they are in their learning and to use this in their practice to improve their performance.

This week we took part in shadow play as a warm up, we were practicing the skill of balancing on one leg and the personal challenge was to mirror what our partner was doing.  Everyone has improved in their skills and in identifying what they need to work on next.  Last session next week – hopefully everyone will manage to achieve the goal they have set for themselves.


We started our Science topic today by recreating our digestive system in a practical way. We looked at how  long the digestive would be if stretched out and what happens as food passes through the digestive system.

The Waiting Place

Whales have been thinking this week about the subject of refugees and took part in a live webcast today with Dina Nayeri, author of the book ‘The Waiting Place’. As we were one of the first schools from across the country to sign up for the webcast, we were gifted a class set of her book and we have spent time reading it throughout this week, learning about the child refugees Dina met on her visit to refugee camps in Europe. The class also spent time thinking about how we could help refugee children feel welcome in school and came up with some great ideas on our welcome wreath. This was such a great opportunity for children to learn about these issues and the problems faced by others when they’re displaced from their homes. 


Whales enjoyed a fantastic cricket session with Charlie from Fakenham Cricket Club. Despite the blazing sun, the children put in a wonderful display of enthusiasm, and many of them have said they would love to do cricket again!

Whales @ T@2!

Whales were lucky enough to be invited back to T@2 in the village this week. They took with them work that they were proud of, and they enjoyed talking to all the ladies and gentlemen about what they’ve been learning. Many of them also read the beautiful poems they have been writing in English recently, and we were very impressed with the children’s confidence to do this! Thank you for having us again (and for feeding us!)

How Hill Residential Day 2

Day 2 at How Hill – After a fun evening on day one (spent weaving and playing in the beautiful gardens), we were up early for a jam-packed day. First, we went on a lovely boat trip down the river to Barton Broad, where we were lucky enough to spot Marsh Harriers! We also spotted a modern-day marshman collecting reeds for thatching. We then spent a session in the woodland classroom dissecting some owl pellets and discovering vole bones – some children chose to bring these home, so look forward to seeing their discoveries on their return!

After a filling lunch, we went down to the river again to visit the Toad Hole museum, a tiny cottage which was home to marsh men and their families in Victorian times. We then experienced what it’s like to be a thatcher, and tried out our thatching skills. Only a few children got damp when we tested out their efforts! We rounded off the day with an orienteering activity and are now looking forward to pizza for dinner and a bit more weaving this evening. Ms McConnell is even making a guest appearance to read the children a bedtime story!

How Hill Residential

We’ve had a wonderful first day on our residential at How Hill. Much excitement getting settled in our room, followed by lunch and then a walk through the woodlands to see some different wet and dry habitats. We also did a bit of tree hugging and dyke dipping! We’re now looking forward to dinner and a bit of weaving to round off our day. More to come tomorrow!