North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


New year reading adventures ahead

Whales class have enjoyed a delivery of brand new story books, as part of the ‘Adventure Reading Map’ initiative. Each child has been given a map which details different routes through story land and encourages them to take quality books home to share with their families. A sticker is award for every book shared and there are certificates to collect along the way! “These books are really great, I can’t wait to take one home.”

Thomas was so excited by his first book, he wrote a book review to encourage his friends to read it too.

Nativity preparations 2017

Nativity preparations for our 2017 performance ‘A King is Born’ is in full swing! We have been busy rehearsing, making costumes and creating this beautiful back drop with the help from Mrs Randle. The children worked really hard designing and creating the hay bales, camels and the donkey! They even decided on the very careful placement of the baubles! Well done to Sheep and Whales class!

Year 1 Phonics parent meeting

Following the success of our annual phonics workshop for Reception parents, we will be running a session for Year 1 parents on Tuesday 7th November at 6pm. This will focus on the phonics that are more specific to Year 1 and give information about the phonics assessment that will take place at in June 2018. We hope you can make it. However, if you are unable to attend, then information sheets will be sent home and uploaded to the website.

Ark in the Park class trip

We had a fantastic day out on our ‘Ark in the park’ trip, as part of Norwich science week. We found out all about different animal habitats through art and drama workshops. We then had fun exploring the habitats in Chaplefield park!