North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Challah Bread

We have been busy today baking Challah bread.

As part of our RE topic, we have been looking at the Jewish religion and the tradition of Shabbat. We have baked the Challah bread as this is traditionally baked and shared during Shabbat.

We all decided that it tasted brilliant, so great the children all wanted the recipe to try at home.

Some of us got stuck into the washing up….we took photographic evidence so they can do this at home too.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Reception and Key Stage 1 have had a fantastic first day of World Book Week. Today, we explored an Anthony Browne story, ‘Silly Billy’. Poor Billy worries about everything; shoes, hats, clouds and even giant birds. Until one day his Grandma gives him a worry doll. This story inspired us to make our own worry dolls and share our everyday worries. The children made wonderful dolls, wrote about their worries and even acted out some ‘worry doll’ stories they composed together. Great work everybody 👍

Whales class mono-printing workshop

Year 1 & 2 have been experimenting with a new printing technique in their art workshops with Mrs Randle. They created ‘seasons’ inspired prints, drawing foxes, leaves and hedgehogs.

Year 2 have been adding another layer to their mono-prints. Using oil pastels to create more texture , pattern and colour. They are such an imaginative and creative group! Mrs Randle

Jammy halves and quarters

We had great fun exploring fractions this week, focusing on halves, quarters and thirds. Whales class thoroughly enjoyed working out different ways to make a half and quarter using bread and jam. After some fantastic thinking, problem solving and reasoning they were allowed to eat their ‘maths’ work! Yummy 👍

A tree for all seasons

This half term Whales class have linked science and art by creating birch trees through the seasons. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their weekly art workshops with Mrs Randle. They used resist techniques with salt, watercolour and oil pastels to show the changes in colour, landscape and wildlife.

Whales in the ocean

We have been exploring watercolour, brusho and collage to create our own whales, sharks and oceans. The beautiful tropical islands are now on display in class.

Shadow play

We had great fun exploring shadows on Tuesday afternoon. We made shadow puppets and then investigated using torches and different surfaces to see where we could see our puppets best. We discovered that we could make our shadows smaller or bigger depending on how close we put the torch. As it was a sunny afternoon we could make really big shadows on the playground. We had fun making shadow monsters, letters and played shadow tag. Some children discovered they could make their shadow disappear!

Learning to draw birds

Here is just a sample of the wonderful birds we have been learning to draw as part of the Big Schools’ Bird watch. Fantastic concentration and attention to detail. We just love them – what talented children we have!

Big schools’ Birdwatch

Sheep and Whales class had a very productive afternoon preparing to take part in the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We made bird feeders to hang in our school grounds, learnt how to draw birds, labelled the parts of our feathered friends and Year 2s created fact sheets about the most common garden birds. Great afternoon had by all. 🦉