North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


D&T engineering competition

Our winners of the Primary Engineering competition.

8 children were selected from Year 1, 2, 5 and 6 to go to the Aviation Academy in Norwich with their vehicles for a celebration event with other schools who participated.

KS1 Story Cafe

Whales class held a Reading Cafe last week where parents were invited to enjoy a story and complete fun activities based on the book ‘On the way Home’ by Jill Murphy. The children loved having the parents in their class and were excited to talk about the story.

A big thank you to all the grown ups who came along!

Growth Mindset

This half term, we have been learning all about the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset. We have learnt about the brain and how we can adopt a growth mindset in all aspects of our learning. This week we wanted to show this through Art and ‘sprinkled’ all things we would like to learn into our brains and discussed how a positive mindset would help us to achieve our goals.

Nature Sculptures – Art Topic Work

In our Art this half term, we have been developing a range of art techniques in the context of Nature Sculptures. We learnt about the difference between Natural and Man-made, created observational drawings of natural objects, large scale natural Land Art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy and finally created our own Mini Sculptures using clay!

Designing and making a vehicle

We have been learning all about vehicles and how they move. We met an engineer, who answered lots of our questions and inspired us to learn even more!

As we created our vehicle designs, we learnt new vocabulary such as chassis and axle. We also discussed the safety rules when using equipment. We are very lucky as some Year 6 children helped us use the saw to ensure we cut our axles accurately.


We were all lucky enough to visit the planetarium at Stibbard today, where children learnt about our solar system and constellations. We are sure this will inspire some fantastic space poetry as part of our book week activities. Many thanks to Stibbard for inviting us!

The Barber Battles – click image for more photographs

The Barber Battles marked Mrs Barber’s last day at North Elmham Primary School. The games saw our much-beloved teacher (and Assistant Headteacher) of 12 years, compete against the children in various challenges. Mrs Barber won – being such a competitive person she wouldn’t even let children beat her!

It was a lovely send-off for her as she moves on in her career to a new school with new challenges. She has inspired so many children at North Elmham School, and the staff will certainly miss working with her as she is such a kind person who would do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat.

We wish her all the very best and hope she will come back and visit us again soon.