North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Children In Need

Whales Class had an excellent time raising money for Children in Need. We joined in with the final part of Joe Wicks’ 24 hour PE challenge and we learnt about ways in which the money helps children in the UK. As it is also World Kindness Day, we made a personalised kindness booklet with ways we would like to show acts of kindness within the classroom and school environment.

Remembrance Day in Whales Class

For Remembrance Day we discussed the significance of the poppy and learnt about life in the trenches for the soldiers. We shared a poem called ‘Think of Me’. We discussed how the poem made us feel and how to write for a purpose, to help our reader feel the same emotions we felt when we first read the poem. Then the children wrote their own amazing versions. We held our two-minute silence and reflected on our morning. We continued our learning by creating beautiful poppy art work using guided painting and incorporating silhouettes of soldiers. 


We had great fun this afternoon learning to sculpt clay onto a tree. We have been fascinated by our Enchanted Woods story and we were so excited to create these outside!

Woodland fairy

We received a special letter from our woodland fairy. She had ripped her dress and wondered if we could design and make her a new one! We used different materials to cut, shape and join them! Lots of perseverance and determination shown!

Different materials

We designed, made and tested different materials. We worked in groups to make a bucket suitable to hold water that could help us put out the Great Fire of London. We had great fun testing these!

Tudor Houses

Whilst learning about The Great Fire of London – why the fire spread so quickly and how they put the fire out, we made our own Tudor houses. We created a design criteria and then worked together to fix different parts together.