North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Whales Class Learning

Whales have had a busy couple of weeks getting into the swing of our remote learning. They have been fantastic, using their learning packs and Google Classroom to complete and share their learning! Take at look at some of the things we have been up to!

The Sound Collector

We have been reading poetry in English. Our focus has been ‘The Sound Collector’. We worked in small groups to recite a verse and added our own actions. We then performed to the rest of the class. The children taught each other the whole poem and used this learning to write our own versions ‘The Colour Collector’. 

Roman Mosaic Art

In Art, we used part of the book ‘What Romans did for us’ to inspire our mosaic designs. We found out about the materials Romans would use and learnt new vocabulary such as a ‘chisel’ and a ‘hardie’. From our research, we realised that for every 1 square metre, Romans would use up to 10,000 small tiles. We learnt about creating a border by using 2 or 3 colours. We then used our knowledge from our History lessons to create our main designs. 

Whales Class Roman Purses

In Design Technology, this half term we have been researching, designing and making our very own purses. We used our research to design and create a roman bulla. We even practised some basic sewing skills. We found out that Romans would often have a lucky coin in their bulla so we made our own too!

A job well done!

This week, Whales class worked very hard to finalise the area for our fire circle. With collaboration, turn-taking, patience and a whole lot of hard work, we managed to create a wonderful space for us all to enjoy! We had a marvellous time having our hot chocolate and fizzy Friday around the fire. What a lovely end to our fantastic week!

Anti-Bullying Week

This week, Whales have been learning about E-Safety and completing activities for Anti-Bullying Week. We used ‘THINK’ to guide our discussions and thought about how we cannot take our words and actions back. We wanted to share our learning and encourage others to ‘Be Kind’ and consider how their words and actions affect other people. 

Whales Welly Days

Whales class experienced a wonderful Welly Day session on our school field.  The whole class spent the afternoon in our new site where they lit a fire to toast crumpets, used clay to sculpt and build rafts and hammocks. The children played a key role in developing the area. Mrs Cairns explained that Sheep class love to dig and so they started to create a digging area using tyres and woodchip. It was wonderful to see the children showing resilience and demonstrating problem solving skills while working as a team.