North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Whales Class – Welly Days

We continue to explore our Welly Day area weekly. Our focus has been on teamwork, building independence and resilience. We have also been exploring ways to make structures secure and withstand any weather conditions. 

Whales Class – Georgia O’Keeffe Artwork

Our Art Book Hook ‘Little People, Big Dreams: Georgia O’Keeffe’ has inspired our artwork last half term. We learnt all about her life and how she was inspired by the little things around her. We explored complimentary colours, oil pastels and then recreated a close-up, large scale flower painting, with stunning results! 

Whales Class – History Knowledge Hunt

Whales class went on a knowledge finding mission to conclude our History learning last half term. In our outdoor area, lots of information was hidden for the children to find all about life during the Iron Age. The children recorded the information, discussed their findings with their partner,  and then shared their new knowledge with the whole class. 

Day of Calmness Workshop

Each class enjoyed a session of calmness thanks to the Small Schools Partnership hosting a Day of Calmness workshop at our school. We learnt some techniques to help us maintain peace and relaxation that we can do everyday. 

Whales Class Adventure Stories

Last half term, Whales Class worked really hard to develop their own stories which were inspired by ‘Stone Age Boy’.  They flipped the idea on it’s head and Om, who is their main character came to North Elmham for a visit! After writing their own versions, using the amazing vocabulary and skills they learnt over the past few weeks, they edited them, typed them up and designed a front cover. 

I hope you enjoy reading their wonderful stories! 

Whales Class Remote Learning

We have been so busy in Whales class! We have been learning to compare numbers and developing our subtraction skills. We wrote a class story of the Stone Age Boy and then turned the story on it’s head to write our own versions of the adventure story. In History, we have been learning about the Stone Age and shared some of our learning through ‘A day in the life of Grey Otter’. We used Google Maps to explore more about our local area and discovered more about our towns, city and county. We learnt about body percussion and even had a go at the mambo cup challenge! We love all things outdoors, so as well as our Wellbeing Wednesdays we also took our DT outside, we explored ways to make different structures including a tricky tripod structure. The children have all put in so much effort this half term and even squeezed in some fun in the snow! We wish them all a lovely half-term break!