North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Whales Class Real PE

Whales class have been learning different footwork and coordination skills in their Real PE lessons. They have been focusing on showing each movement with fluency and control.


Whales Class Sports Day

On Friday we enjoyed our last day as a 2/3/4 class. We had Welly Day, where we worked together to light a fire and made delicious s’mores! We also planned and set up our own mini sports day. We had lots of fun working together in our house teams earning lots of points! Well done everyone! 

Wonderful Welly Days for Whales

Whales Class have been demonstrating incredible skills throughout our Welly Day sessions.  They have started to use simple tools to add to the site, showing great resilience and problem solving skills.  Children work together, negotiating to build dens and obstacle courses.  They have been investigating the natural world and have even designed and built their own pond!  What a difference a year makes.  This time last year it was a simple triangle of grass and now we have an inviting site perfect for curious minds.  All designed by the children, no wonder they enjoy it so much!

Stop Motion Animations

In Computing this half term, Whales class have been learning how to create a stop motion animation using a camera on a chrome book. We used a storyboard to plan our animation and then we took still images and sequenced the frames to create the effect of movement. 

History in Whales Class

In History, Whales have continued to learn about the Railways and how they have changed over time. We learnt about the positive and negative impact of the railways and used this new knowledge to design and create our own board game!

Norfolk Music Festival

Whales class have worked so hard to learn to play 4 songs on the ukulele. The children performed all four songs and were filmed for the Norfolk Music Festival. There was an adjudicator who gave us very positive feedback! Watch our performance here!

Living things and their habitats

In Science, Whales have been learning to group and classify living things. We have learnt new vocabulary such as vertebrates and invertebrates. Through the exploration of classification keys, we have been able to group and identify a variety of living things in our local environment.

Design Technology in Whales Class

In Design Technology, Whales have been evaluating a range of pop up books and have been exploring different pop up techniques. Through practising ways to make these mechanisms they have found ways to strengthen and reinforce these ready to inspire their own pop up books, where they will carefully consider the design criteria and intended audience.