North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Real PE

In our PE session this week, we started to work on developing combinations of movement. We focused on competitive jumping and working with a partner to develop a personal best. Whales class worked really hard to support their partner with lots of encouragement!

Responsible Readers

Whales class have worked really hard this half term to be ‘Responsible Readers’. We talked to the children about the impact at least 20 minutes of daily reading can have on our learning and taking responsibility for reading at home as well as school – this could be by asking an adult to hear them read or reading independently and recording their thoughts and feelings about a text, some children even read to their teddy!

Well done, Whales. I am so impressed with your dedication to your reading this half term!


Whales Class 21st October

Whale Class have really developed their creativity and problem solving skills.  They are really making the most of the environment and work so well together to create different structures.  Can you spot the Egyptian shaduf and the handmade ladder?

English Experience Day

Today in English, we had an Experience Day, based around our new text ‘Tuesday’. We took on two different roles; the role of a Police officer and the role of an eyewitness. We worked together to think of questions we needed to ask the eyewitness and then ‘hot-seated’ each character. The children were excellent in each role, some children decided to create their own ‘detective notes’ to share back to the class. We then gathered all of the wonderful ideas and vocabulary. We are excited to start our sentence stacking lessons tomorrow. 

Dippy the Dinosaur

Whales Class had an excellent school trip today visiting Dippy at the Cathedral. It was lovely to be able to go out on a trip together. Our tour guide took us through a time tunnel, we discovered lots about Dippy from over 150 million years ago. We had our tour and then spent some time outdoors sketching the Cathedral. 

When we returned to school, we spent some time reflecting on our trip; what we had learnt and how we felt. Well done, Whales, what a lovely day! 

Mummifying a tomato

Whilst learning about Ancient Egypt, Whales class have been fascinated with the process of mummification. Today, we learnt about the process and then had a go at mummifying a tomato!

First, we made an incision using a knife and then we scooped out all of the seeds to represent the removal of the internal organs. The Egyptians removed the lungs, liver, stomach and the intestines and placed them in canopic jars.

Next, we covered our tomatoes in sanitiser to clean the ‘body’.

Finally, we filled the tomatoes with salt to dry them out, just like the Egyptians used Natron! We created Natron using a mix of table salt and bicarbonate of soda. 

We are so excited to observe the results over the next few weeks!

Whales Class September 2021

As part of our Geography, we have been learning about the human and physical features of Egypt. To support our learning, we built a model of Ancient Egypt to find out more about the geographical features of the landscape they lived in.

In Science, we have been learning about the main functions of a skeleton and to use scientific vocabulary to name bones. We worked in small groups and went on a ‘bone hunt’ to find lots of new vocabulary. We then labelled our own skeletons as well as our class skeleton!

Computing in Whales Class

Whales class recapped how to use Google Classroom this week. They also started to learn how to organise their ‘Drive’. They learnt how to make a new folder, make a copy of a document and save their work in a particular folder. 

Music in Whales Class

Whales Class continued their ukulele lessons. They recapped some songs and a chord they had learnt before the Summer holidays.