North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Uncovering the Gunpowder Plot – History in sheep class this week

To begin our new unit of history this term, Sheep class played detectives and used evidence from the past to discover what happened on November the 5th, 1605. They looked at lots of paintings, drawings and artifacts to discover that a man named Guy Fawkes and his gang went about trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament! The children were fantastic at finding the clues, and we’re looking forward to discovering more about who was involved, why they did it, and why we still ‘Remember, Remember, the 5th of November’!

Dippy Trip

Sheep class had a wonderful trip to see Dippy today. We were very excited to be going on our first proper school trip, and the children were a credit to their school in their behaviour throughout! We loved the bus ride through the city to Norwich Cathedral, enjoyed a lovely snack time on the cathedral green, and then it was time for the main event!

Our tour guide took us through the time tunnel, where we heard the sounds of the dinosaurs and even saw some dinosaur poo! Then we met Dippy! We were very impressed by the length of Dippy’s neck and tail, and were amazed by how small his head was! The children had lots of questions, such as, “Why does he have so many teeth?” and “Why is his tail long?” Well done, Sheep class, what a brilliant first trip!

Marvellous Maths

Year 1 and 2 in Sheep class have been recapping place value and learning all about part-whole models and place value charts. We have looked at using tens and ones, and some of us even managed hundreds as well! We love using our maths resources to help us learn. 

A Sheep Investigation

Sheep class put on their detective hats to investigate a very strange occurrence in our school..

We arrived in the hall to find a multitude of Lily pads and feathers all over the hall. How peculiar! Could we investigate to find out what happened? Of course we could!

The children came up with some fantastic questions to ask possible witnesses around the school. The subjects of our interviews were very impressed with the insightful questions the sheep detectives asked, and we put together all of our evidence to come up with what turned out to be a very accurate account of what had happened. Good work, detectives!

We look forward to finding out more by reading our new class book ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner.

A New Year in Sheep Class!

Sheep class has welcomed its new recruits this term – the new reception children! The new children have settled in so well and are already becoming more confident and independent in their new surroundings, enjoying all our classroom and outdoor area have to offer. We have been getting to know each other, playing games, writing about ourselves and getting messy outside! We have also been learning counting songs, reading many lovely storybooks, painting, and learning new sounds in phonics. We can’t wait to see how the children progress over this term.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

In Sheep class, we have (very aptly!) been learning all about the Parable of the Lost Sheep. We read the parable using Mick Inkpen’s wonderful version and we then used a small world tray to act out the story. The children all had a go at retelling the tale, which got progressively more adventurous – the farmer ended up hiking up mountains and crossing volcanoes to find his lost sheep! The children could tell us that we are like the sheep, and God is like the shepherd who always watches over us and looks after us.

Signs of Summer

Sheep class have been studying the season of Summer this half term in their science lessons, and we have been waiting patiently for good weather to get out and about on our school grounds to see all the changes – finally some sun!

We discovered leaves bigger than our hands (and heads, in the case of the rhubarb growing on the veggie patch!), plants that are taller than us, long grasses and a multitude of insects and flowers. We sadly didn’t hear the chirping of grasshoppers, but we did see some beautiful butterflies and friendly ladybirds up in the Welly Day area.

Shapes, Glorious Shapes!

Sheep class have been recapping their knowledge of shape these last few weeks, and we have had lots of fun doing so. We made 2D shapes using marshmallows and toothpicks, we practised our shape recognition (and different orientations) by completing some tangram puzzles, and we have been making 3D shapes out of playdough. The cube was a tricky one to make!