North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Children’s Mental Health week 2022

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is Growing Together.

Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential. 

Each class talked about how they have grown and how they can help others to grow.  We also shared the different ways we look after our wellbeing. We each made a support balloon identifying trusted adults and also others who are a support to us. 

Many children talked about spending time with their families, friends, pets and the importance of this. 

Our Green and Blue World

In geography, Sheep class has been recapping their knowledge of continents and oceans (a class favourite!) We love to sing our catchy learning songs, and children are frequently found to be singing them to themselves during their play! We have been looking more closely at the physical and human features of the continents and locating landmarks on the globe, such as the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza and the Amazon rainforest. We have also been reading ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ and are tracking Phileas Fogg’s journey on our large map of the world. There may well be some budding adventurers in Sheep class judging by their enthusiasm for all things travel!

History of Aviation

Sheep class have been investigating how aviation has developed through history – from the Greek myth of Icarus to the modern day airbuses we use to travel around the world for holidays (in Covid-free times anyway!)

Children were challenged to create a timeline of flying machines using their history detective skills. We had a lively debate about how black and white pictures don’t always mean the subject of the photo is old. They were astounded to hear that some of us adults remember black and white TVs! Some great comments included: “This plane must be old, it’s made of wood, not metal or plastic,” and, “This plane is from the present because it’s pointy at the front to make it faster.”

We have also been finding out about the contribution to aviation made by the Wright Brothers, and we have made factfiles to record their achievements.

Big Cat Predators Across the Curriculum

In science, Sheep class have been delving further into food chains and animal diets, and we have recently learnt about what an ‘apex predator’ is! Children have loved finding out how an apex predator is like the king of its habitat, and we have watched many clips of animals such as tigers, jaguars and crocodiles in action! We have even been watching the live tiger feed from Edinburgh Zoo to see what the tigers get up to. In English, we have been learning how to write reports and have practised this with our favourite predator, the tigers of Asia. We will soon be researching other predators to write our own reports. In computing, children in year 1 and 2 are currently making powerpoint presentations on tigers and we are looking forward to showing them to Reception when they’re finished!

Christmas Jumper Day

North Elmham children wore their Christmas jumpers to school today to raise money for the charity ‘Save the Children’. We are looking forward to some more Christmas celebrations next week including Christmas Lunch, Virtual Panto and our Christmas Church service.