North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sheep Class Slippery Ceramics!

Sheep class has been experimenting and learning the vital techniques needed for working with clay. Children were very skilled at using their hands and water to manipulate the clay, and were delighted to learn that even if you make a mistake when using the clay, it doesn’t matter as clay is very forgiving! We practised rolling, twisting, pinching, smoothing and joining, and finished the lesson making a small pinch-pot to take home and decorate when they’re dry. Next time, we will begin to sculpt our clay animal models.

Sheep Class Maths Fun!

Reception children (and Spiderman!) have been getting to grips with sharing in equal groups this week. Some children were even able to say that 20 is made up of 4 equal groups of five, so four lots of five is 20! We have also been practising our pattern and sequencing skills using geometric shapes. Great work, Sheep!

Sheep Class Magic Beans!

In science, Sheep class has been learning all about the life cycle of plants, and the conditions needed for healthy growth. We have been conducting an experiment to see if beans can grow well without light and water, and we are really enjoying watching our beans grow!

Sheep Class Coding!

We have been learning all about coding and algorithms recently in our computing lessons. Children have become experts at following the algorithms given to them by their teacher (“Stand up, collect your book, sit down at the table.. Run programme!”) and are now using blocks of code to solve online coding puzzles! We are also getting so much quicker at logging onto the computers and using our passwords!

Sheep Class April 2022

What do different people believe about God?

Sheep class has started the new term with some very philosophical conversations about the existence of God, and we have been learning about why some people choose not to follow any religion. One child said, “I think I’m agnostic because I haven’t made up my mind yet!” while another said, “I’m probably an atheist because I want to see proof before I believe it.” Other children decided they were theists, because “God is kind and caring and he loves everyone!” A great start to our RE learning this term!

Lighthouses in DT

Continuing with our nautical themes this half term, Sheep class have been learning about lighthouses and what their key features are. Children have designed their own lighthouses, inspired by some of the wacky examples from around the world (a dragon lighthouse, anyone?!) but making sure they still retain the key features. In the coming weeks, we will be building our lighthouses, and would very much appreciate any donations of junk modelling materials (e.g. yoghurt pots, pringles tubes, plastic tubs, straws, plastic cups, plastic lids etc).

Song of the Sea

Our learning this term has a very nautical theme! In English, we have been watching extracts from the beautiful animated film ‘Song of the Sea’, which is based on an Irish myth about the kelpies. Children have already written some beautifully descriptive sentences in their sentence stacking lessons, and we are looking forward to planning and writing our own myths in the coming weeks.


In computing, Sheep class has been honing their search engine skills. We have been learning about how to search for what we want to know by using key words and questions. We have learnt how to filter our results into images and videos, and how to search for information for kids. We practised these skills by looking for information about some favourite animals, and one of the facts we discovered was that wombats’ poop is cube shaped! Thanks for that, Google!

Hot and Cold Places

In geography, Sheep class has been learning about where the hot and cold places on Earth are. We know where the equator is and can now name the northern and southern hemispheres. Some of us can even say why it is always hot near the equator! Reception children had fun placing the small world animals on the world map to show whether they live in hot or cold places. We have also done a case-study of a tropical climate (Singapore) and will soon be doing the same with a cold place (Norway).

Op Art

Sheep class has been learning about ‘Op Art’ – art that is based on optical illusions. We began looking at the monochromatic work of Bridget Riley, and exploring how she used parallel lines and experimented with contouring to create a sense of movement in her work. We practised pencil drawing in our sketchbooks in the style of Bridget Riley, and we are now completing some collage work in which we will be incorporating more colour (as Bridget did in her later works).

World Book Day costumes in Sheep class

What a fantastic effort from Sheep class – some amazing costumes! Thank you to all the parents for helping the children choose/make their costumes, they were so proud to stand up and show everyone and tell the class about their book character! 

World Book Day 2022

All the classes really enjoyed some shared reading sessions today for World Book Day! Sheep class enjoyed reading some of their favourite stories to the older children, and Whales and Lions did a really good job of reading their books and supporting the younger ones! We all had fun.