North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Art in Sheep Class

Sheep began a unit of drawing by investigating spirals this week! We learnt how to use our whole body to create lines by drawing ginormous spirals on the playground, competing to see how big we could make them by stretching our arms and moving our legs whilst we drew.

We then went inside and worked in groups to draw spirals on large sheets of paper using charcoal. Children loved seeing how their spirals layered over each other and enjoyed finding all the different shapes made by the intersecting lines. We then added colour with oil pastels, investigating contrasting and complementary colours.

Moving Pictures!

This week in DT we completed our seaside themed moving pictures. Children designed their pictures to include some simple mechanisms such as a lever, slider and a wheel. We practiced our cutting skills and carefully attached the moving parts in place with split pins or as a slider on a lollipop stick. We think they turned out pretty great!

Planting in Sheep class

This week Reception children have been busy planting up our new herb garden. We chose a sheltered spot in the mud kitchen area so that we can add the herbs to our cooking! Earlier in the week Year 1 helped plant some pumpkins and we are all looking after our strawberries which are just beginning to ripen. Well done to all our budding gardeners!

Fossil Hunting Experts!

Sheep and Whales had a fantastic trip to Cromer Museum and Cromer Beach. We learnt so much about fossils found in Cromer, handled various fossils and then went on our very own fossil hunt on the beach. The children were absolutely amazing and we had a wonderful day!


Painting the Light

This week in Sheep class we’ve been experimenting with watercolours. After practising our blending technique we really enjoyed creating our own Turner style seascapes. We had to think carefully about which colours to use in order to ‘paint the light’. Well done Sheep class!

Sheep Class First Week of Summer 2

We have had a very summery start to the term! Sheep class has begun learning about how to write rhyming poetry about the summer using metaphors and lots of descriptive imagery. We have also been reading lots of poetry as well!In art, we have been appreciating the watercolour seascapes of Turner and we are looking forward to experimenting with washes of watercolour in our lesson next week.

Children have also begun learning about the geography of the seaside town of Cromer, ahead of our class trip there later this month – all the children are very excited to be going to the beach! 

Sheep Shapes!

We have recently been investigating the properties of 2D shapes. Reception went on a shape hunt, finding shapes in our outdoor area to match the shapes they’d drawn in chalk on the ground. Year 1/2 started by making 2D shapes using pegboards and sticks, thinking carefully about the length of sides and number of vertices. Some children then progressed to drawing shapes accurately with rulers and thinking about whether they are regular or irregular polygons!

Green Fingers in Sheep Class

The children got busy gardening today, planting out some strawberry plants which had kindly been donated to the class. They enjoyed weeding the tyres, digging the compost and arranging the plants in our gardening area. Soon we will also be planting out the bean plants we have been growing in our science investigation!