North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


KS1 Athletics Festival

Today some of our KS1 children across the Federation attended an athletics festival at Taverham High School, taking part in a carousel of athletics activities. The theme of the day was to ‘have a go and do your personal best’. Miss Johnson said that although some children were unsure to begin with, everybody participated and tried their best. By the end of the day they had all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and made the grown ups proud. Well done everybody!

Class Trip to the Zoo!

On Friday Sheep were very excited to visit Amazona Zoo, along with our Reception Class from Stibbard All Saints. We had a wonderful day exploring in the sunshine and it was lovely to see children smile and giggle as they observed the animals up close. We met some very unusual animals and learned lots of new names: peccary, coati, agoutis, capybara, tapir, mara. We also found some animals that we could name: flamingo, caiman crocodile, spider monkey, toucan, puma, jaguar. We impressed the grown ups with our knowledge and learned some new facts along the way. We look forward to finding out a bit more about these amazing animals back in class. Well done Sheep on a super day out!

Bird Sculptures

This half term in Art we are developing our understanding of sculpture and building our ‘making’ skills! We started with observational drawings of birds, experimenting with mark making in pastels, graphite and chalk. Children took great care to show the details of the feathers. Today we turned our drawings into a simple 3D structure through twisting, folding and creasing the paper. Next week we will be working with wire to create the feet that will help the sculpture to stand on its own. Fantastic work Sheep!

Charity Bingo!

The school came together recently to put on a charity afternoon. With lots of our families in attendance, children really enjoyed a competitive game of bingo! We had spent the morning preparing food for our guests – Sheep class made some delicious biscuits, Whales made a selection of sandwiches and Lions class made some yummy cupcakes. Lions class then took on the waiter/waitress roles to serve the other children and adults. Thank you to everyone that came, we raised a fantastic amount which has been donated to Comic Relief!

Fruit Salad Fun!

In DT this half term children in Sheep class have been busy designing their own fruit salads. First they researched which fruits were the most popular among their peers, then they came up with a shopping list. The grown ups were really impressed with how carefully children prepared and cut their chosen fruit. Some children experimented with new flavours adding herbs to their recipe. Children in Reception have been learning where some different fruits and vegetables grow and were keen to join in the fun! Afterward we evaluated our salad recipes and children were keen to try again with some changes…
“I would add more kiwi”
“I didn’t like mint!”
“Next time I would use lime juice instead of lemon”
“I will chop my mango smaller”
Great work everyone!

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the NSPCC and Childline.

World Book Day

This week we swapped our uniforms for costumes as we celebrated World Book Day! Children loved sharing their favourite stories with each other and finding out who shares a passion for their favourite book. We invited the children to take part in a biscuit baking competition and we had some fantastic entries (winner to be announced in Celebration assembly next week)! In the afternoon we joined David Walliams for a ‘Storytelling Spectacular!’, and were among the first people in the world to hear an exclusive extract of his new book, ‘Robodog’. Thank you to staff, children and parents for making such a great effort this year, to inspire a love of reading that we hope will last a lifetime.

Afternoon Tea

Before the break Sheep Class became historians, finding out about changes in the recent past. We interviewed grandparents, neighbours and friends to find out what life was like when they were little. Children came back to school full of information to share and compare with their friends. “My nanny played a game called 5 stones.” “They had to polish their shoes every day before school!” “My grandma ate cold porridge for breakfast!” “They played with Dinky toys and Hornby trains.” “Granny ate rabbit pie and rice pudding.” “They had lots of jobs to do at home and Grandad’s job was to lay the fire.” “Great nanny had polio and stayed in hospital for a long time.”

On the last day of term, Reception children baked a traditional 1940s biscuit recipe and we had a little afternoon tea party. Some of the older children joined us from Lions class and helped serve the tea. We all agreed life is a little easier than it was in our grandparents’ day!

KS1 Tennis Festival

This week some of our KS1 children were invited to take part in a PE festival at Easton Tennis Centre. The grown ups were so proud of the children for their brilliant attitude and a great team effort. The children really enjoyed the day and were full of excitement when they returned to school. “I loved the parachute games!” “It was so so fun. I loved the basketball.” “We did bowling!” “It was exciting.” “I helped my friend.” “I tried curling.” 

Well done everyone!