North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sheep Class, Geography and History enrichment morning

Sheep Class had a beautiful adventure on Friday!  Earlier in the week the children received a letter from one of Father Christmas’s elves, Fir Ivyjump.  The children wrote cards back to him with questions for him to answer.  With our invited adults, Sheep class walked down to the village post office where there was a special post box for them to use.  

The Sheep then used a simple map to help them walk back past the school to the ruins.   They were excellent at spotting the different locations on the map.  It was a slippy slidey journey but the children were very caring and took great care of each other and the adults.

When the group returned back to school the adults answered a collection of questions about their childhoods.  

Can you spot Sheep Class with the sheep in one of our photographs?!

Odd Sock Day in Sheep class

Today we wore odd socks to raise awareness for anti-bullying week. We talked about what makes us unique, and why it is important to be kind to each other. We then designed our very own kindness socks, writing about ways we can be kind in Sheep class.

Remembrance in Sheep Class 

After learning about Remembrance as part of Collective Worship, we were inspired and continued the learning back in class. We discussed why we wear poppies and what they represent. 

The children then made their own poppies and used them to create beautiful art work! 

We Will Remember

North Elmham held a Remembrance Service in our school hall. Sheep class showed their poppy art, some children from Whales and Lions class read their own poems, songs were beautifully sung and Lions class performed the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. Reverend Sally read out the names of those who died from North Elmham in the two World Wars and children prayed some prayers. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came to support and well done to our children!

A muddy but fun Welly Day for Sheep Class

Mrs Cairns and Sheep Class had a wonderfully muddy Welly Day session on Friday morning.  The children enjoyed exploring the area with their friends.  There were plenty of opportunities for awe and wonder as they discovered the many creatures that live there and saw the effects of the recent weather on the landscape.  Mrs Cairns, Miss Johnson and Miss Mayes were really impressed with the way that the children worked together and the care they took with the environment.  We are all looking forward to our next session together.

Learning through play

Sheep class have been exploring our indoor and outdoor area whilst learning through play. The children are so creative and imaginative. It is wonderful to see how their play continues to develop each day. 

We have been looking closely at our environment; learning about habitats for worms, various bugs and exploring patterns on butterfly wings. 

We built different structures – sandcastles, dens and even a duck pond! 

We explored with water by helping to fix leaks, making our own waterfalls and incredible water fountains. In our loose parts play, the children spent time making a zoo, a boat and a village with its very own swimming pool! 

Amazing work, Sheep!

Welly Day Art

We have really enjoyed using our outdoor area and field to become ‘Explorers and Collectors’. The children have used natural materials to make paint brushes and were inspired by Andy Goldsworthy and Alice Fox to make their own masterpieces using natural materials! 

Check out their beautiful creations!

Physical Sheep Pirates! 

Ahoy, me hearties! All hands on deck! 

During our Real PE sessions Sheep class have been trying hard to follow instructions- just like any successful pirate! It has also been important to think carefully about how to keep each other safe during these sessions. We have been learning how to balance carefully and have applied this skill in different games.

Great work Sheep!

Sheep class are writers!

Mrs Cairns and Mrs Hunter have been so impressed by the enthusiasm and care shown by Sheep class in their writing.  We have had notes to make people smile, birthday cards, labelled drawings, names and more!