North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Dinosaur on the loose!

We came in from playtime and found some footprints! We weren’t sure what they were at first or where they came from. We worked out it could not have been a grown up because of the gap between each print and there were only three sharp pointy bits! We decided to put objects around it so visitors knew not to touch them! After further investigation, we worked out it must’ve been the Great Dirty Dinosaur from the book we had been reading!

Snow Maths!

The snow inspired our maths learning! We made Snowball number sentences, counted footprints, created our own snowmen pictures with different amounts of buttons and even noticed different patterns and shapes!

Vet visit

We have been learning all about pets and how to care for them. We had a very special visitor this week – we asked lots of questions, learnt how to bandage a paw and even used a stethoscope!

Don’t worry, be happy!

Reception and Key Stage 1 have had a fantastic first day of World Book Week. Today, we explored an Anthony Browne story, ‘Silly Billy’. Poor Billy worries about everything; shoes, hats, clouds and even giant birds. Until one day his Grandma gives him a worry doll. This story inspired us to make our own worry dolls and share our everyday worries. The children made wonderful dolls, wrote about their worries and even acted out some ‘worry doll’ stories they composed together. Great work everybody 👍

Jelly Bean Porridge

After exploring oats in our creative area, we started talking about how our grown ups make porridge at home. Some children explained they had jam in their porridge whilst others had chocolate, this discussion inspired us to make our own porridge! We wrote a list of ingredients and instructions. A child then said “I wonder what happens if we add the jelly beans we used in Maths?” We couldn’t believe it as we watched the porridge turn pink!

Bird Spotters!

This week the children have been fascinated with birds! As part of the Big Schools’ Bird Watch we made our own bird feeders and have been busy recording the different birds that have visited us in school!

Learning to draw birds

Here is just a sample of the wonderful birds we have been learning to draw as part of the Big Schools’ Bird watch. Fantastic concentration and attention to detail. We just love them – what talented children we have!

Big schools’ Birdwatch

Sheep and Whales class had a very productive afternoon preparing to take part in the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We made bird feeders to hang in our school grounds, learnt how to draw birds, labelled the parts of our feathered friends and Year 2s created fact sheets about the most common garden birds. Great afternoon had by all. 🦉