North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Learning all about Harvest

Sheep class have been busy learning all about harvest! We learnt about harvesting wheat, explored what it looked like and ways we use the flour. We decided to design and make our own pizzas – they were delicious!

Potato salad anyone?

After chitting, planting and caring for our potatoes in our outdoor area we noticed that our potatoes were ready to harvest. Today, we boiled our potatoes, chopped them and other ingredients to make our own potato salad! #responsiveplanning #highlevelsofengagement

Drawing with Scissors

We have been learning about Henri Matisse and his concept of Drawing with Scissors. We used his artwork of a snail to inspire our own mini-beast artwork.

Celebrations as Julia Jarman opens our new school library

What a wonderful afternoon of excitement and anticipation as celebrated author Julia Jarman officially opened our new school library.

Children, parents, staff and members of the local community gathered in the hall to hear Julia Jarman share her stories and talk about the importance of reading and school libraries.

Children’s excitement was echoing through the corridor in the build up to the ribbon cutting ceremony and there were cheers all round when the library was finally declared open!

Our sincere thanks goes to the Friends of North Elmham School (FONES) who have worked tirelessly to fundraise over the past few months. Without their drive and the support of the local community this would not have been possible.

What a brilliant start to the summer term! 📕📗📘📙

Discovering Easter at Norwich Cathedral

Sheep and Whales class enjoyed a trip to Norwich Cathedral to learn all about Easter. We enjoyed helping to act out the Easter story in different parts of the Cathedral. It was fascinating to see how many different types of crosses we could spot and discovered that some crosses are covered up and only uncovered on Easter Sunday. We made some wonderful crosses of our own and lit candles to remember the people who are special to us.