North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Yummy Pancakes!

We wrote a list of ingredients so we knew what to buy at the shops and wrote a letter to Mr Isherwood to see if he would like any pancakes.

We enjoyed mixing the ingredients and even did the washing up!

The pancakes were delicious!


We were all lucky enough to visit the planetarium at Stibbard today, where children learnt about our solar system and constellations. We are sure this will inspire some fantastic space poetry as part of our book week activities. Many thanks to Stibbard for inviting us!

Sheep Class Discovery Cafe – click for more photographs

What an excellent afternoon we had at our Tiger Tea party!

Mrs Graves and Max the dog shared the story with the children and then we enjoyed lots of activities with our grownups!

It was so much fun to work alongside Dawn & Debbie – our local childminders. It was great to see their children play alongside the current school-aged children.

Awe and Wonder!

Do you know that feeling of seeing something so amazing that you said, “Wow, that’s awesome!”?

This week, the ice has inspired Sheep’s class learning.

We have formed our own investigations, learnt new scientific vocabulary and even used magical sprinkles to ‘stick’ ice to string!

Road Safety

We talked about how to keep ourselves safe when we are out and about. Benjamin helped us remember how important it is to ‘Stop, Look and Listen’ when we cross the road. Bethany talked to us about why we wear a helmet and use a car seat.