North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Super Chefs!

What a busy week! We harvested our potatoes and then decided to make our own Potato Soup! We looked at recipes, wrote a shopping list and wrote letters asking for some electrical equipment to help us! We learnt about cleanliness and safety whilst cooking. We took turns and listened to each other’s ideas throughout. We then enjoyed the soup outside in the sunshine ☀️ We even wrote our own recipes and instructions so other people could try to make it too!

Fabulous frog!

This morning, we found a frog in our outdoor area. We discussed if it was a frog or a toad and how we know the difference. We researched what they needed to survive and made it a little home! We wrote signs and captions to let others know what we had found. We were really careful, so we didn’t frighten our new friend. #responsiveplanning #children’sinterests

Nature Sculptures – Art Topic Work

In our Art this half term, we have been developing a range of art techniques in the context of Nature Sculptures. We learnt about the difference between Natural and Man-made, created observational drawings of natural objects, large scale natural Land Art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy and finally created our own Mini Sculptures using clay!

Early Years Discovery Cafe

Max the dog and Mrs Graves returned to share another story! We shared The Great Big, Enormous, Gigantic Cardboard Box and then went on to enjoy lots of activities with our grownups!

A huge thank you to Debbie and Dawn, our local childminders and all of the Parents and Carers who supported it!

Designing and making a vehicle

We have been learning all about vehicles and how they move. We met an engineer, who answered lots of our questions and inspired us to learn even more!

As we created our vehicle designs, we learnt new vocabulary such as chassis and axle. We also discussed the safety rules when using equipment. We are very lucky as some Year 6 children helped us use the saw to ensure we cut our axles accurately.

Our local environment

We have been learning all about our local environment and what better way to do this than to go for a walk in our village!

We went to the local shop and bought a milkshake and then enjoyed the sunshine at The Ruins.

Science Day

To celebrate British Science Week, Sheep class had a busy day experimenting! We predicted, asked lots of questions and then observed what happened!

Firstly, we observed what happened when we added drops of water to skittles. We were amazed when we saw a colourful rainbow! We then tried to make gummy bears dance and were incredibly excited when we made the vinegar bubble, fizz and overflow! We investigated the effect of adding vinegar to milk and found the outcome disgusting!!

Finally, we observed how oil and water do not mix and made our own Rainbows in a Jar to take home!