North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Festive Fun in Sheep Class!

We had a fantastically festive day today in Sheep class! We made our Rudolph party hats by drawing around our hands and cutting them out to be antlers, and then we wore them whilst we ate our yummy Christmas lunch. We listened to lots of classic Christmas tunes as we munched our turkey and roasties, and told each other the jokes from our crackers. After lunch, we watched ‘Rapunzel: The Lockdown Panto’ on the big screen, and very much got into the panto spirit by singing and dancing (and, of course, shouting ‘Boo!’ and ‘He’s behind you!”)

This week, we’ve also been busy recording our scenes for the North Elmham Christmas Production, which will go live on our website in the next few days. The children have done some wonderful acting and singing and we can’t wait to watch it!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from Sheep class!!

Remembrance in Sheep Class

As part of our history learning this half-term, Sheep class have been discovering what Remembrance means. We learnt how we use poppies to help us remember the sacrifice of men and women in wars and we took part in the 2 minutes silence at 11am on 11th November. Children also made their own poppy suncatchers to put in their windows at home. We were really impressed with the children’s understanding of Remembrance, and having also watched the service at the Cenotaph, we entered into a lively discussion about the Royal family and the role of the Queen in British life. We are now developing stories about the Queen based on the story ‘The Queen’s Hat’!

Growth Mindset

This half term, we have been learning all about the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset. We have learnt about the brain and how we can adopt a growth mindset in all aspects of our learning. This week we wanted to show this through Art and ‘sprinkled’ all things we would like to learn into our brains and discussed how a positive mindset would help us to achieve our goals.