North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sponsored Sports for Champions event

We had Laura Samuels in school this afternoon to lead a fitness circuit with the children, who raised lots of money. The children enjoyed seeing how many press ups, star jumps, mountain climbers and spotty dogs they could do. There were some rather red faces at the end!

New year reading adventures ahead

Whales class have enjoyed a delivery of brand new story books, as part of the ‘Adventure Reading Map’ initiative. Each child has been given a map which details different routes through story land and encourages them to take quality books home to share with their families. A sticker is award for every book shared and there are certificates to collect along the way! “These books are really great, I can’t wait to take one home.”

Thomas was so excited by his first book, he wrote a book review to encourage his friends to read it too.

All the children in the school enjoyed a taster karate session. Thank you to ESKA for coming in to give our children this exciting opportunity to try something new. Flyers went home in the children’s bags.

KS2 Christmas Talent Show

Wow! What a great show the KS2 children put on for the school. Bags of talent and a wide range of acts. Well done to all those who performed and put in hours of practise.

Christmas Lunch

Thanks to our cooks, Cath and Sandy, who once again, provided a fantastic Christmas dinner. The children looked wonderful in their Christmas jumpers!

Nativity preparations 2017

Nativity preparations for our 2017 performance ‘A King is Born’ is in full swing! We have been busy rehearsing, making costumes and creating this beautiful back drop with the help from Mrs Randle. The children worked really hard designing and creating the hay bales, camels and the donkey! They even decided on the very careful placement of the baubles! Well done to Sheep and Whales class!

Sugar for Shelters 2017

Our School is donating sugar to help the homeless this Christmas.

Schools across Norfolk will be collecting sugar donations this Christmas to help the homeless and people in need.

Large amounts of sugar are needed at Norfolk and Suffolk shelters and food kitchens over the winter period for tea, coffee and festive food.

Last year more than 70 schools in the area took part and more than four tonnes was donated by students.

British Sugar also donated an extra two tonnes.

Please could you have all bags of sugar into school reception by Monday 11th December as these will be collected on the 12th December 2017.

Many thanks.

Discovery Cafe 2017

Today we held a Discovery Cafe for children and parents of North Elmham School alongside North Elmham Playgroup. We listened to the story The Giant of Jum and then explored lots of activities. It was well supported and thoroughly enjoyed by all!