North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Cadbury’s World trip and other school events this week

We will keep you informed about the Cadbury’s World trip this week. We understand that the weather is forecast for more snow but we remain optimistic that the trip will go ahead but also be prepared for it to be rescheduled. We will let you know by Thursday at the latest.

I will also let Year 6 parents know whether the SATs meeting will go ahead tomorrow. Keep checking the website / ClassDojo for updates.

Palm Sunday

This week, Open the Book shared the bible story of Palm Sunday. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, there were crowds of people waving palm leaves and laying them down in front of him. Some of the children were given leaves to follow Jesus and the rest of us joined in by saying “Jesus, Jesus Hosanna.”

NSPCC Speak out Stay safe

We met Buddy who loves to play hide and seek! He talked to us about speaking to a trusted grown-up to keep us happy and safe. We are going to work together on our sponsored Buddy challenge to raise money for the NSPCC.

Jesus and the Children

Open the Book told the story Jesus and the Children. Some children from each class played small parts to retell the story. We had time to reflect to think about how special it is when we have people in our lives who make time for us.

Celebration Collective Worship

We have been busy celebrating our achievements this week which included certificates for taking part in a Swimming Gala, ‘Stars of the Week’ for being kind and thoughtful and making great progress. Our Christian Values certificate was given for showing compassion when some children were feeling unwell on a trip, one of our Year 5s went out of their way to help their friends!

Well done everyone!