North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


SIAMS Success!

Before Easter we were visited by inspectors from the diocese to carry out a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection. This is a bit like an Ofsted inspection but looks at the Christian character of the school and how our Christian values underpin everything we do.

We were so very pleased to be awarded a ‘Good’ which recognised all of the hard work put in by staff over the past year to develop our church school community.

Highlights from the report include:

  • This is a nurturing and inclusive Christian community which serves its pupils and its families very well. Consequently, North Elmham Primary School ensures all are encouraged to do their best within the context of a Christian family environment.
  • The partnership between the churches and the school enriches the worshipping life of this school community and supports their spiritual, moral and personal development well.
  • The commitment and dedication of all staff and governors is seen in a renewed impetus to take forward the distinctive Christian character of this school on its journey of school improvement. As such, this embraces care, well-being and nurture together with a new Christian vision which is beginning to make a difference.

This has very much been a team effort though special recognition needs to go to Miss Hardingham and Mrs Barber for their incredible contributions.

To read the full report please follow the link: North Elmham SIAMS Inspection Report March 2018

Celebrations as Julia Jarman opens our new school library

What a wonderful afternoon of excitement and anticipation as celebrated author Julia Jarman officially opened our new school library.

Children, parents, staff and members of the local community gathered in the hall to hear Julia Jarman share her stories and talk about the importance of reading and school libraries.

Children’s excitement was echoing through the corridor in the build up to the ribbon cutting ceremony and there were cheers all round when the library was finally declared open!

Our sincere thanks goes to the Friends of North Elmham School (FONES) who have worked tirelessly to fundraise over the past few months. Without their drive and the support of the local community this would not have been possible.

What a brilliant start to the summer term! 📕📗📘📙

New Library Opening

New Library opening letter

Please find attached information regarding the new library opening on Wednesday 25th April 2018. This should have been received by all parents as was sent home last week in children’s book bags. However should you have not received this please check it out here!

We hope to see as many of you as possible.

School Council March 2018

We have been busy recently planning the refurbishment of our school library.

Lots of very kind people across the community have contributed money to help us pay for the refurbishment and we are enjoying picking the soft furnishings.

The library is due to be fitted during the Easter holidays so we don’t have too long to wait for the library to be complete.

We have also been busy trying to make lunch times more interesting for all the children, getting some toys prepared to play with and also ensuring that they are looked after properly.

Finally we are planning a fundraising event for the summer term, in aid of Cancer Research, a cause we feel is important to us.

KS2 Cadbury World Trip

The KS2 Cadbury trip has been rescheduled for Thursday 15th March. All the times remain the same: please arrive at school at 7:15am ready for a 7:30am departure.

A form will be coming home with the children tomorrow with the new date on.

Cadbury World Trip Cancelled

Understandably we have had to cancel the KS2 trip to Cadbury World tomorrow.

If the school is open tomorrow please arrive at normal time.

We are looking to reschedule this trip.

Additionally, the Year 6 SATs Parents Meeting will take place on Tuesday 6th March 6-7pm (the Maths Booster class will still go ahead that day).