North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Bring and Buy Sale for Children in Need

We are all set up and ready to go!

Please remember to wear spots tomorrow and bring donations for our Bring and Buy Sale. All children will have the opportunity to purchase items. All items will cost either 50p, £1 or £2.

After school, you will be able to browse the Bring and Buy Sale and also buy some delicious spotty cakes!

Thank you for your continued support.

Image result for bring and buy sale children in need

T @ 2

Some Year 5/6 children went to The Institute to sing to an audience of people from the village, then mingled with them and served drinks and refreshments – a lovely afternoon of community spirit at the T @ 2.

Anti Bullying Day

To raise money and awareness for Anti Bullying we held a ‘wear blue day’.

Key Stage Two learnt about a cyber bullying and giving compliments whilst Early Years and Key Stage One helped Mr Shark make the right choices at play time and discussed what makes a good friend!

Parents Evening

Parents evening was a great success last night, thank you to all the teachers and parents who did attend.

However it has been brought to the attention of the office this morning that there are parents that weren’t aware of the parents evening and have missed the opportunity to attend. We can only apologise for this.

Please if you are a parent who was unaware that it was parents evening call the office and we will arrange a time for an appointment.

Children in Need

Please donate any unwanted books, films, music, toys, puzzles, board games, trainers, fancy dress costumes and accessories that we can sell to raise money for BBC Children in Need.

Please ensure that any donations are in good condition, clean and in working order.
Avoid electricals to avoid safety issues and potential disappointment!

Tempest Photography Change of Date.

Tempest Photographers have contacted us and had to cancel our school photography for Friday 9th November 2018 as they have staffing issues.

We have managed to rearrange this for:

Tuesday 13th November 2018.

Giving us time to get these pictures back if they are needed for Christmas presents.

Our little authors!

In July, Reception children entered a ‘My First Story Young Writers’ competition for 4-7 year olds.

I am delighted to share that out of over 4,000 entries our children’s stories have been selected to be published in the Norfolk & Suffolk edition of the book!

We will receive a copy of the book and it will take pride of place in our lovely new library!

Check out the EDP on Monday where we will feature!

Miss Button’s Leaving Assembly

After 11 years at North Elmham Primary we had to say a sad goodbye to a much-beloved teacher, Miss Button. The children and staff mashed up a few songs and wove them into a speech to thank her for her huge contributions to the school. This was very fitting as she was well-known for bursting into song all the time and having a positive attitude day in day out.

FONEs Bingo

Thank you to all those who supported the Bingo. A brilliant time was had by all & we raised more money for the school.