North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Christmas Reminders…

Friday 14th December 2018

Please remember that this is Christmas Jumper Day and also the Whole School Christmas Lunch. We will be having a lunchtime in the hall altogether with festive music with both the children and members of staff.

Monday 17th December 2018

Class Christmas Parties: This is going to be a non school uniform day so wear your party clothes to school and get ready to have a great day!

Tuesday 18th December 2018

Carol Service at the Church: This will take place at North Elmham Church and will start at 13.30. Parents and Carers, Grandparents are most welcome. Please feel free to collect your child/ren after the service however please make sure you have signed them out with your class teacher.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cinderella Pantomime

Pantomime season has begun! We began our festivities early with Chaplins Pantos coming to town to perform the classic, Cinderella.

…he’s behind you!


We have worked hard to raise money for Bullying UK and Children in Need over the past couple of weeks.

The Bring and Buy Sale was a huge success which raised over £200 for Children in Need.

Our fundraising for the two events was over £260!

A huge well done to School Council for organising the two events.

Thank you for your continued support.

Children in Need – click on photograph for more photos

Wow! What an incredible day we have had raising money for Children in Need. A huge thank you to the School Council who worked really hard to ensure today was a success!

Thank you to FONES for working alongside School Council and selling delicious cakes at the end of the day!

The full amount raised will be announced next week.