North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Church – Thy Kingdom Come

Dear Parents and Carers,

St Mary’s are planning a day of prayer on Friday 7th June, under the Archbishops’ call to prayer Thy kingdom come. There will be a variety of prayer ‘experiences’ during the day.

The idea is to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit on our communities in the days between Ascension (30th May) and Pentecost (9th June).

As part of this day of prayer, the children will be joining St Mary’s Church on Friday 7th June at 14:15.

All parents and carers are also invited. The children will sing songs and have time to reflect and think about their neighbours and those who might be in need of prayer.

Due to the timing of this, please be aware that children will need to be collected from the church at 15:15.

Best wishes,

Miss Hardingham and Mr Good

Meal Change Thursday 16th May 2019

There is a change to the menu next Thursday 16th May please let the school office know if you would like to change your child’s menu choice to the following;

The menu is as follows,


Mini Hash Browns

Baked Beans and Coleslaw

Vegetarian Sausage

Chocolate Brownie

The Sandwich, Pasta and Jacket Potato Options will remain the same.

Please inform the office by the end of Tuesday 14th May 2019.

Lego education for schools

As we approach the final date for tokens in the newspapers, please can you send any tokens into school. We have a box outside the office for tokens or feel free to pass them on to Bryan Tidman in the village, who will bring them to school.

Thank you for your support!

Early Years Discovery Cafe

Max the dog and Mrs Graves returned to share another story! We shared The Great Big, Enormous, Gigantic Cardboard Box and then went on to enjoy lots of activities with our grownups!

A huge thank you to Debbie and Dawn, our local childminders and all of the Parents and Carers who supported it!

Easter Egg Competition details

Friday 22nd March 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,

“Eggstra, Eggstra, read all about it!”  We are eggstremely eggscited to be holding the Easter Egg competition again this year.

We have held this competition in previous years, so we will have to get our creative caps on and come up with a ‘new and never before seen design’!  Year 6, this may be your last opportunity to enter an Easter Egg competition, so I eggspect to see lots of entries from you!

To enter the competition, all you have to do is hard boil an egg and then decorate it.

There are many ways in which the children can decorate their eggs; some eggsamples may include colourful patterns or a play on words’. For eggsample, an ‘eggstra-terrestrial’, or ‘eggs-ercise’.  The eggs may be accompanied by a small scene. We would also be looking for entries to include our School Motto ‘Believe, Achieve, Belong’.

Please label your entries clearly with name, class and year group.

All entries must be in the school hall by Thursday 4th April 2019. The competition winners will be announced on Friday 5th April.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Hardingham

Science Day

To celebrate British Science Week, Sheep class had a busy day experimenting! We predicted, asked lots of questions and then observed what happened!

Firstly, we observed what happened when we added drops of water to skittles. We were amazed when we saw a colourful rainbow! We then tried to make gummy bears dance and were incredibly excited when we made the vinegar bubble, fizz and overflow! We investigated the effect of adding vinegar to milk and found the outcome disgusting!!

Finally, we observed how oil and water do not mix and made our own Rainbows in a Jar to take home!

Science day in Dove class

Doves had fun investigating ‘Loony Liquids’ for science day on Friday. Firstly, we made Oobleck with cornflour and explored how it doesn’t act like a normal liquid. We then made lava lamps and observed how oil and water don’t mix due to their difference in density. Finally, we investigated the effect of washing up liquid on coloured milk, learning that the soap molecules weakened the bonds between the fat molecules in the milk. The children really enjoyed all the hands on activities and were great at cleaning up afterwards!


Several Year 5 and 6 children bravely played, danced and sung their hearts out at the T@2 event. Well done to all the children.

Tempest Photographs

We have Tempest Photographers coming into school tomorrow morning at 9am to do Class Photo’s. Please could all children wear School Uniform for this. Thank You.