North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


How Hill Residential Day 2

Day 2 at How Hill – After a fun evening on day one (spent weaving and playing in the beautiful gardens), we were up early for a jam-packed day. First, we went on a lovely boat trip down the river to Barton Broad, where we were lucky enough to spot Marsh Harriers! We also spotted a modern-day marshman collecting reeds for thatching. We then spent a session in the woodland classroom dissecting some owl pellets and discovering vole bones – some children chose to bring these home, so look forward to seeing their discoveries on their return!

After a filling lunch, we went down to the river again to visit the Toad Hole museum, a tiny cottage which was home to marsh men and their families in Victorian times. We then experienced what it’s like to be a thatcher, and tried out our thatching skills. Only a few children got damp when we tested out their efforts! We rounded off the day with an orienteering activity and are now looking forward to pizza for dinner and a bit more weaving this evening. Ms McConnell is even making a guest appearance to read the children a bedtime story!