North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Book Talk and Class Reader

This half term, Whales have been hooked by the two books they have been reading as part of our daily book talk and class reader sessions. 

During Book Talk, we read ‘Escape from Pompeii‘. Whilst revealing only one page at a time, we read with our partners and as a whole class each day, shared new vocabulary and used our Reading Lenses to discuss the text in more detail. We admired the beautiful illustrations as we read the text too. 

Our chapter book ‘Survivor, Escape from Pompeii’ written by Jim Eldridge, had us transfixed on every chapter! A rollercoaster of emotions and a book we did not want to put down! We wrote our own book reviews to share our thoughts and feelings about what we have been reading.  

Well done, Whales. What a wonderful half term we have had!